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New ACW 28mm Range

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mike0liver writes:

May I offer our thanks to "Volleyfire" for pointing out the mis-spelling of "Command". It suppose it might have been nicer to have dropped us a private note rather than declaiming the mistake on a public website but such is life. We are, like everyone else, capable of making errors.

We put the untreated figures on the website so that the customers that saw the range displayed at "Salute" and were sufficiently impressed to ask how soon they would be available for purchase, could buy them. Since then, we have had a chance to make them more presentable and will replace the pictures as soon as we can.

I think most people would agree that Mike Broadbent is probably the leading sculptor around at present and we use him whenever we can for our figure projects. The infantry were, indeed, the work of another sculptor whose name I do not know. We felt, when we were shown them, that they were of sufficient interest to see the light of day, being unusual in their battle-scarred uniforms and the variety of poses. The absence of cavalry prompted us to approach Mike to fill the gap. The figures he has produced are superb.

I have a Confederate infantry force painted and based and I'm very pleased with the result. The figures reward a little effort.

Obviously, if you don't like the figures, you can purchase from other suppliers and are perfectly entitled so to do. The interest we received at "Salute" was sufficient to satisfy us that the range would sell.


Mike Oliver
Director – Capitan Games Ltd.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Capitan Games of Capitan Games Ltd. writes:

Capitan Games/Battlemodels are proud to announce the release of their new range of 28mm American Civil War miniatures. In true Capitan Games tradition, our range is inspired by veteran and battle-seasoned soldiers, with worn and ragged uniforms, bearded faces, and dynamic poses, to make a difference from pristine uniforms, and pure marching or standing poses. We are offering this different approach to allow wargamers and collectors to give their armies more character. Union and Confederate forces, even after only a few months of campaigning, adopted pieces of the other side's uniforms – hats, kepis, backpacks, etc. – so our miniatures are suitable for both Confederate and Union (with the exception of some officers that are represented with typically flamboyant laces on the cuffs of the Confederate officers and simple bars on the shoulders of the Union) plus sergeants, doctors, sanitarians, commanders in camp clothes, and some camp vignettes.

ACW figures

We complete the series with special miniatures, such as doctors, wounded, camp scenes – about 60 different figures in all. We sell our miniatures individually to allow players and collectors to "build" their favorite set of miniatures.

ACW figures

In a few months, we will complete the series with a full range of cavalry, plus more infantry, with such special troops as sharpshooters, infantry with repeating weapons, and dismounted cavalry.

The scale is fully compatible with all the major known manufacturers of 28mm ACW figures, e.g., Perry.

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Comrades in Battle

This range will be usable with our ACW skirmish rules Comrades in Battle, which we anticipate will be available later this summer.

Text edited by Editor Julia
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian