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TAG: English Civil War Harquebusiers with Triple-Bar Helmets

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kingscarbine writes:

1540's is good too. Lot's of good scenarios for Portuguese in India and Abyssinia.

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3,891 hits since 5 Jul 2011

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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a1companion of The Assault Group writes:

Did I mention we aren't doing an English Civil War range?


But, occasionally, we do what our customers ask for, and recently we have been persuaded to make these two new packs of miniatures, which can really only be used for English Civil War armies.

English Harquebusier

The triple-bar helmet is most associated with the English Harquebusier cavalry of the 1640s, a lightened form of the heavier Cuirassiers dominant on the continent. Harquebusiers were the predominant cavalry type of the Parliamentarian army after 1643 as used by the 'Eastern Association', and later the New Model Army; and although they became synonymous with the 'Roundhead' faction, they could equally be found in 'Cavalier' units.

We have six new mounted miniatures to show here, as well as one new Freebie Miniature, a pious trooper praying. All have the triple-bar helmets, except for the command group's trumpeter, which we intend to cast in one piece on the miniature. These cavalrymen will be mounted on our medium-sized, charging horses.

Praying trooper

To see all of these miniatures pictured, surf to our website.

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