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New Release from Baccus: 1815 Dutch Belgians

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Barohir writes:

Nice, but with errors:

At Waterloo there were no flags, the troops received these after the battle.

At Waterloo there were no Belgian Militia only Dutch Militia.

Belgian 2nd carabiniers use the casque! (Russian Cuirassiers).
Dutch 1st and 3rd carabiniers use the bicorne or "steek" )Spanish Heavy Cavalry Bicorne).

For 4th Dutch and 5th Belgian Light Dragoons use the light cav.
For 6th Dutch and 8th Belgian Hussars use French Hussars.

Missing Dutch artillery (Horse artillery looks the same to there foot counterpart).

Generals: Use British Generals from the Peninsula with Bicorne.

Hopefully the Nassau and Orange-Nassau troops will come too.

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Baccus 6mm of Baccus 6mm writes:

We are happy to be able to announce the release of the final range of Allied troops for 1815, in the form of the Netherlands armed forces. These follow hard on the heels of the Brunswick contingent released earlier this year.

Dutch Line Infantry

The Dutch-Belgian range includes all of the infantry, cavalry and artillery for those of you who are already building your armies in preparation for 2015. Now there's no excuse to put off collecting those figures and getting that scale plan of Hougemont…

Dutch-Belgian light cavalry

You can find all the details and order the figures if you go here.

For more information