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CP Models Re-Release 25mm Skraelings

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Cincinnatus writes:

I think those could be useful. If not entirely correct, they would be easy enough to modify with a knife.

I appreciate the effort and went ahead and placed an order. Thanks.

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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cp models of artwho9figurepainting writes:

We are glad to bring the Gladiator Games 25mm Skraelings back into production.

Skraelings with bows

Figures designed with open hands and supplied with separate weapons, so they can be armed and varied as you wish

Skraelings warriors

SKR 1 - Skraeling chief and elite warriors
SKR 2 - Skraelings with spears
SKR 3 - Skraelings with war club
SKR 4 - Skraelings with bow

Three figures per pack priced at £3.50 GBP.

The original background info from Gladiator Games:

Skraeling was the Viking name for the Indian tribes they encountered during their attempts at colonizing North America.

Eric's saga records skirmishes with the Skraelings as being the reason the colonies were abandoned, "that although the land was excellent, they could never live there in safety or freedom from fear, because of the native inhabitants."

Anthropologists have tentatively identified the tribes as Micmac and Beothuk Indians. Our range is based on these tribal types.

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