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Brigade Models: "Allons! Allons!"

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Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP writes:

That's a really nice model – has a very TV21 feel to it IMO

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brigade Models announces:

Today we have the Firedrake, our tribute to the late author of the Hammer's Slammers stories. The prototype on which it is based appears in the last-ever Slammers story, 'Save What You Can' from the Onward, Drake compendium.

The Firedrake is a massive twelve-wheeled tank destroyer that utilizes energy stored in a huge flywheel (don't ask us how that works…) to fire its massive gun. We've given it a small twin point-defense turret to dissuade infantry from getting too close, and also for knocking down incoming missiles. Overall, we've given it a very Germanic look, hence the three-color ambush camouflage scheme.

And as an added bonus, £1.00 GBP from each model sold will be donated to the Blackhorse Trust, the charity nominated on David Drake's website.


You'll find it listed in the website under the Republic of Bessarabia. And yes, we're using the Blackhorse Cavalry logo for them, until the background for the Bessies is further fleshed out.




HS15-5001 – M-22FW Firedrake – £12.00 GBP

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