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Forlorn Hope ACW Scenario Book Available

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733 hits since 15 Oct 2024

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Wargame Vault announces the availability of:

From Historic Imagination LLC

Watermarked PDF – $16.99 USD

Forlorn Hope

Regimental Wargame Scenarios for the Mississippi River Campaigns: 1861-1863

The campaigns and battles along the Mississippi River during the American Civil War were arguably the most important and decisive of the conflict, even more so than the struggles in the east between the two nation's capitals. It took two years for the Union to finally free the Mississippi from Confederate's domination and blockade. However, once free to Union traffic, it irrevocably split the Confederacy in two, a major blow to both military and commercial operations.

This scenario book contains rules to play 15 battles along the Mississippi River in the years-long struggle to open the vital waterway for the Union. They range from assaulting heavy siege lines, to the bayou low country, to urban combat.

These scenarios are designed to be used with almost any American Civil War regimental or brigade level set of rules. Rules are included for figures based on 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 historic men per figure/stand. Times are given for 10, 15 and 20 minutes per game turn. Maps are in full-color, as are the numerous color photographs of the modern battlefield. This book does not contain any core rules for playing miniature games.

Scenarios Include:

The Battle of Belmont
The Battle of Baton Rouge
The Battle of Chickasaw Bayou
The Battle of Champion Hill: The Crossroads
The Battle of Champion Hill: The Coker House
The Battle of Big Black River Bridge
Vicksburg Assault: Sherman May 19th
Vicksburg Assault: Sherman May 22nd
Vicksburg Assault: McPherson May 22nd
Vicksburg Assault: McClernand May 22nd
Port Hudson Assault: Northern Flank
Port Hudson Assault: Eastern Flank
The Battle of Milliken's Bend
The Battle of Lake Providence
The Battle of Helena

For more information