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15mm Eastern European Renaissance Minis from Wargamer

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Condottiere writes:

I do wonder how they compare to other ranges.

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2,704 hits since 8 Apr 2007

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Piotr Modzelewski of Wargamer writes:

We are happy to annonce that the first sets of our new 15mm XVI-XVII c. Eastern European range are now out!

So far, we have completed:

Zaporozhian Cossack

Zaporozhian Cossack Irregulars - armed with Scythe, Maslak (polearm with a horse’s jawbone), Spear or Flail.

Price: €10.00 EUR

Polish Haiduk Infantry

Polish Haiduk Infantry – armed with Arquebus, Sabre and Axe.

Price: €6.25 EUR

Swedish Reiters

Swedish Reiters...

Price: €10.00 EUR

...and Swedish Infantry - pike and shot (22 models) - sorry, no photos yet!

Price: €10.00 EUR

The sets contain a variable number of troops (dependent on the actual size of the formation depicted – we assumed that 1 mini will equal about 15 men) in 3-4 poses, with command and a random, historical paper banner.

You can find more photos and information on our website here.

By the end of April, we should be ready with the following sets:

  • Polish Dragoons (Mounted and on foot)
  • Polish ‘Pancerni’ Cavalry
  • Lithuanian ‘Petyhorcy’ Cavalry
  • Zaporozhian Cossack Cavalry

More units and armies will follow - among these: German and Scottish Mercenaries, Moscovites and Turks!!!