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Alien Dungeon: Fanticide Launches on Kickstarter

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Dorkbootie writes:

Had a chance to try this game out at Historicon this year and was blown away. When talking to the owner of the company I was really impressed with his vision for easy to paint and quick to get on the gaming table miniatures that were not just more elves, dwarves, and goblins. Good for them for trying something new. Hope it takes off!

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ArchitectsofWar of Alien Dungeon writes:

Fanticide, the Miniature Game of Homicidal Warbands is now on Kickstarter!


You have seen the previews, and excitement has been building for the release of this 28mm Fantasy skirmish game written by Rick Priestley, Andy Chambers and Alessio Cavatore. Now is the time to make it all yours! We have launched Fanticide on Kickstarter, so head over now to see the amazing offers we have for you if you pledge today! If you aren't yet familiar with Fanticide, then all the information is waiting for you there as well.

Why Kickstarter?

One of the most common questions asked with any new project is why bring it to Kickstarter? Well, Kickstarter will allow us to bring even more great options to you, sooner rather than later.


The rulebook is a 128-page, full-color, hardback book, and is currently being printed. It also comes with a 68-full-color-card activation deck which is essential to the game (also at the printers). We have a great preview of the rulebook on our website.

All four of the starter warbands are being cast and packed, as well.


With Kickstarter, we can now bring out our laser-cut Magic Templates and get more figures sculpted (the Spell Dominants you can summon, new Warband unit choices, and more). We will also have the opportunity to accelerate our plans for brand-new warbands! As a 'thank you' for helping with this process, we are offering incentives and deals to get you playing Fanticide if you pledge now.

So click over today and see all the great ways you can be a part of Fanticide!

For more information