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Spring Cleaning Time for Mike Broadbent & Eureka Miniatures

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Warbeads writes:

Okay, expect an e-mail about ordering some mice shortly.



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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

Down Under, it is Spring Time!

A time when sculptor Mike Broadbent's thoughts turn to… well, perhaps we had best not dwell on that, but what we do know is Mike has all sorts of bits and bobs patiently waiting to be added to his ranges - plus a completely new project. So we thought this was a good moment for a 'Spring Clean' to get a plethora of Mike's creations out there so you can all enjoy them.

28mm Warrior Mice

28mm Warrior Mice

Time to hold the cheese above your head, jump on a rickety chair, and start screaming for the cat! However, if Kitty has any sense he will be keeping a low profile because these mice are fed up with nervously lurking in the walls and scurrying furtively around at night: they are organized, armed, and from now on - no larder is safe! Introducing Mike Broadbent's new range of Warrior Mice, a host of cute anthropomorphic rodent soldiers ready to do battle with all comers. The initial release includes mice warriors armed with swords, spears and bows, together with rat-mounted cavalry and associated command mice. For game ideas, you could pit them against some of our other warrior creatures such as Kosta Heristanidis' range of Warrior Frogs, or they should be ideal for furry-animal roleplaying games like Harvester (Troll Lord Games - available through RPGNow).

100MIC01 - Warrior Mouse, with sword (6)
100MIC02 - Warrior Mouse, with spear (6)
100MIC03 - Warrior Mouse, with bow (6)
100MIC04 - Warrior Mouse Chief Squeaker (1)
100MIC05 - Warrior Mouse Standard Bearer (1)
100MIC06 - Warrior Mouse Musician (1)
100MIC07 - Warrior Mouse Shaman (1)
100MIC08 - Warrior Mouse Cavalry, on rat mounts (3)

28mm Kung Fu School Girls

28mm Kung Fu School Girls with Guns

They're back! And this time, it's less about the original set's high kicks and punches to your solar plexus and more "What-du-ya-mean the school Tuck Shop doesn't sell hollow point anymore!!! Whatever…." The girls are tooled up and armed to the teeth. Zombies and other trespassers of school property beware!

100FAN04 - Kung Fu School Girls with guns - 7 figure set

28mm Toy Town Soldiers

Mike Broadbent's homage to the traditional toy maker's art continues with a fine new addition to the Toy Town Soldiers range. Your Toy Town armies can now deploy a Royal Horse Artillery toy cannon and crew, complete with a lovely 'wheeled-horse'-drawn RHA Limber set, and a mounted officer. Painted up in bright glossy colors, we think these will look really splendid dashing across the nursery-room floor! (Mike has also made a mounted infantry officer in a spiked helmet to supplement some of the previous releases in this range.)

100TTS51 - Toy Town Soldier Mounted Officer in helmet (1)
100TTS52 - Toy Town Soldier Royal Horse Artillery piece and four crew in Busby (1)
100TTS53 - Toy Town Soldier Royal Horse Artillery Limber & crew (1)
100TTS54 - Toy Town Soldier Royal Horse Artillery Mounted Officer (1)

28mm Toy Town Teddy Bears

Mike's Teddy Bears are as popular as ever, especially the Picnic of '76 and Seven Years Picnic range, and in response to customer demand (and general arm-twisting), he has produced some command figures for the previously released Teddy Bear cavalry in tricorne.

100TBS31 - Teddy Bear Cavalry Officer, in tricorne (1)
100TBS32 - Teddy Bear Cavalry Bugler, in tricorne (1)
100TBS33 - Teddy Bear Cavalry Ensign, in tricorne (1)

18mm Mexican-American War

Finally, on a more serious historical note, we have some reinforcements for Mike's 18mm Mexican-American War range (1846-1848). These are all additions to the colorful Mexican cavalry forces, but it should be noted that the caballero/gaucho/irregular auxiliary cavalry (300MAW69) can also be used by American tabletop generals to represent their 'U.S. Mexican Spy Company'.

300MAW62 - Hussar of the Supreme Power (4)
300MAW63 - Hussar of the Supreme Power Officer (1)
300MAW64 - Hussar of the Supreme Power Bugler (1)
300MAW65 - Tulancingo Cuirassier (3)
300MAW66 - Tulancingo Cuirassier Officer (1)
300MAW67 - Tulancingo Cuirassier Bugler (1)
300MAW68 - Tulancingo Cuirassier Standard Bearer (1)
300MAW69 - Caballero/Gaucho/Irregular auxiliary cavalry (3)

Please note that unless a set is indicated, all figures are sold individually and in any quantity. The number in parentheses at the end of each line indicates the number of different figure variants available for that code. Variants are supplied randomly, but Eureka Miniatures will always endeavor to ensure customers receive a representative sample of all the variants.

The miniatures pictured in this announcement were painted by Helen Bachaus.

Customers in the U.S.A. or the U.K. can choose to order our figures from our representatives Eureka Miniatures U.S.A. or Fighting 15s respectively, as well as directly from us.

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