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Peter Pig's 15mm 2-pdr AT Gun Returns

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Peter Pig writes:

There is one crew member moulded on to the model. Additional crew are not included in order to allow gamers to choose from the wide selection we make(8th army, early war brit, late war brit etc…). This kit sells at £2.70 GBP.


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2,215 hits since 27 May 2012

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Peter Pig of Peter Pig writes:

Here is the latest re-build from Peter Pig. A 15mm 2pdr AT gun. £2.70 GBP.

2-pdr AT gun

It includes a Littlejohn barrel, too. This means it can be used in 1944 as an effective AT gun, as well as early war.
