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New: Bolt Action Pre-Painted Resin Bunkers

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Disco Joe writes:

I would prefer if someone would come out with a bunker with a gun in a turret in it. Not the really large calibre gun from the battleships or heavy crusiers but the one from like a destroyer. Now that would be worth getting.

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4,748 hits since 9 Oct 2013

©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Paul at Warlord Games Sponsoring Member of TMP of Warlord Games writes:

Defend the beaches of Normandy from the Allied landings on D-Day with this new set of three pre-painted resin bunkers – the Atlantik Wall.

Atlantik Wall

The Germans' first line of defense was the English Channel, guarded by the extensive Atlantic Wall, which Adolf Hitler ordered to be constructed in his Directive 51. The wall stretched from Norway to Spain in varying degrees, but was most elaborate in the sectors facing the English Channel. Rommel had the wall fortified with pillboxes, artillery, machinegun positions, and extensive barbed wire, as well as laying hundreds of thousands of mines to deter landing craft.

Atlantik Wall

Atlantik Wall

Of course, these types of bunkers would also have appeared in other areas too, so they are not just relevant for games set in Normandy.

Atlantik Wall

This set contains three bunkers with removable tops, so you can place your troops and guns inside. Note that the miniatures shown in the images above are for scale only, and are not included in this set!

Atlantik Wall

Even better – this set is shipping free worldwide!

For more information