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New 15mm Marlburian Packs

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2,918 hits since 1 Apr 2009

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Mike Lewis of Black Hat Miniatures writes:

We released twelve new packs for our 15mm Marlburian range at Salute, and these are now available in our online shop.

Marlborough's Runners

The new packs are:

WSS15  Marlborough's Runners (6)
WSS16 Dismounted Dragoons in Tricorn
WSS17 Dismounted French Dragoons
WSS18 Dismounted French Dragoon Command
WSS52 Mounted Dragoons in Tricorn
WSS53 Mounted Dragoon Command
WSS60 French Mounted Dragoons
WSS61 French Mounted Dragoon Command
WSS62 Generals
WSS75 British Artillery Crew (6)
WSS76 French Artillery Crew (6)
WSS77 Light/Medium Gun

Packs contain either ten Infantry/five cavalry for £2.50 GBP or six Infantry Command/three Cavalry Command for £1.80 GBP.

The gun pack is £1.00 GBP.

French Dragoons

This brings the range to a total of 30 packs, and just leaves the four packs of Curassiers (which will be released in the next month or so).

Many thanks!

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