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28mm Scale 3-Story Norman Keep Kit from Sally 4th

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SdKfz181 writes:

Looks like a Norman keep to me and a fabulous pre-painted model which I too look forward to seeing in 10mm. What is also great to see is the ongoing commitment to provide a full range of castle structures, not just the easy bits! And speaking from past experience, there is nothing worse than buying into a range only to find it never gets completed!

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18th Century

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Chris Abbey of Sally 4th writes:

Norman Keep

Model size: Length 295mm — Width 208mm — Height 220mm

Norman Keep

This kit builds a typical stone-built Norman keep. The keep is three stories high, and benefits from reinforced corner towers and a first-floor entrance at the top of a flight of stairs. The wooden roof is removable to reveal the second-story hall. Norman keeps often originally had a wooden roof, which was tiled at a later period. This roof can be tiled using the optional tiling kit. The rear wall of the keep incorporates a garderobe. The keep forms a useful centerpiece for gaming through a wide range of periods, from Dark Ages through the Medieval period to the 17th Century and beyond. The Norman keep is completely compatible with the wide range of Sally 4th 28mm castle towers, walls, gateways and siege equipment, and with Games Workshop's Mighty Fortress model, which we have included a photograph of for reference.

Norman Keep

The kit is available either unpainted, or as a pre-painted kit in granite, limestone or sandstone finish. Price painted £54.00 GBP, unpainted £45.00 GBP.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be working to release the Norman keep in 10mm and 15mm scale, and to make our existing towers and walls available in both their original dressed-stone versions and our new random-stone finish, as both painted and unpainted models.

For more information