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Size Comparison from NapoleoN Miniatures

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Hal Thinglum Supporting Member of TMP writes:

1) I've been unable to access the napoleonminiatures website. Anyone else having this problem?
2) Does anyone know how these fit with the 20mm Napoleonic line from Kennington in the UK?
3) Or how do they fit with the Falcata range from Spain. Are they still available?
Thanks – Hal

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Comments or corrections?

napoleonminiatures of NapoleoN Miniatures writes:

We have received many emails asking about the "real" size of our miniatures.

Size comparison

In these pics, you can see our French fusilier together with other brands, so judge for yourself. From left to right, brands of the figures are Hät, Zvezda, NapoleoN Miniatures and Wargames Foundry.

Size comparison

Do you think 20mm is correct, or 1/72 is better, or perhaps "true 25mm"?

Anyway, that's the size.

Best regards!