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Ork Deff Rolla Revealed [40K]

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Broadsword writes:

And you can always get 'em cheaper than MSRP on eBay, though it may take a month or three after the initial release before the price drops below 20% discount.

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Games Workshop announces:

Incoming! Ork Deff Rolla

Ork Warbosses and Battlewagon krew everywhere have been awaiting the release of the Battlewagon Upgrade Pack since the Battlewagon's release in Janu-Waaargh!-ry - and today at Toronto Games Day, it was finally revealed.

Ork Battlewagon Upgrade Pack

This new sprue - the first plastic frame to be designed exclusively as a Bitz Pack - includes the mighty Deff Rolla, a lobba, a brutal-looking killcannon and a cheeky Grot rigger. Available to order from the 1st August, make sure you check out the Incoming! article on Monday to see more of this new Bitz Pack.

Ork Battlewagon with Deff Rolla

Be sure to check out forthcoming issues of White Dwarf to find out more about this release, and keep checking the Games Workshop website for new articles and hobby ideas.