Our latest set of 28mm hard-plastic figures – Rome's Legions of the Republic (I) – is at the tooling stage at present.
We have added a full breakdown of the set on our news pages.
It will consist of 60 figures, including Legionaries in chainmail, Velites, and full command.
We expect test frames of these in June.
Fast on their heels are Roman Set 2. This will be Romans in square pectoral armor to represent earlier or less wealthy Legionaries.
These we will release in July, followed by the Italian allies in August. You will be able to intermix all the parts from these three great sets to make some striking-looking units.
We do intend to cover the Punic Wars in depth in plastic. Emel has started on some Carthaginians already. We have some Carthaginian veterans and Libyan javelinmen so far, with Libyan spearmen and full command to come. These will follow on after the Italians.
With the release of two new great Greek infantry boxes plus our armored Hoplites, we really are starting to build a large Ancients range, which is only going to get bigger.
Check the news page for full details of the upcoming sets.
Napoleonics are never far from our minds, and new sets including the French artillery (finally!) will be released later this year.
More news on the 1:100th scale aircraft next week.
Also, a big thanks to all those who came to see us at Salute. We really appreciate your interest and support of our range.