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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Rebel Minis writes:

'Tis the Season!

The Christmas Heist
"Come out to the City, they said!," groused Billy Pink's Cousin John, an off-duty cop, as he carefully made his way towards the next floor of Takanomi Tower. "Come to the Party, we'll have a few laughs, knock back a few brews…"

The crackle of the walkie-talkie stuffed into his pocket interrupted his musings, and a stern and eloquent European-accented voice said, "I know who you are, Officer Pink – what I don't know is why you're crashing my party. This isn't your jurisdiction, why don't you just walk away?

"I'm not the walk-away kinda guy, Pal! You're the party crasher here, I'm just here to take out the trash."

"I… I don't think I've ever heard so many cliches uttered in a single sentence like that before. Most impressive… but not impressive enough!"

John Pink turned off the walkie-talkie, muttering, "Boring conversation anyways…"

Only a few more floors and he'd put a cap in that weenie's behind!

It would be a shame to have a holiday shoot-out in an office building without letting you play the most famous Christmas shoot-out of all! Just an off-duty cop at his wife's Christmas party, until Johannes Groober and his punks show up to rob the office safe!

Here's a quick-to-play what-if game where your Star has to save the day at Takanomi Towers from a group of ruthless thieves. You can use Billy Pink and Sooze, or use characters from The Heist list, including Officer John Pink, Sgt Hal, John's wife Molly Pink, and even the smarmy Harry Perris. This uses the same rules as New Year's Zed, but with some different lists. This also includes a full set of counters and two new Battle Board maps. Made for All Things Zombie and Chain Reaction 2023, but will work with pretty much any THW ruleset.

Note: This is a supplement adventure book! You will need the core rulebooks ATZ: End of Days or Chain Reaction 2023 to play.

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