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Rattlehead Games Closing

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Stryderg writes:

Sorry to hear this. I had great service in the past. But, yeah, this is a good way to go about shutting it down. Good luck with the 'day job'.

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Rattlehead Games writes:

Rattlehead Games logo

The Bad News

Hello everyone! I'm very sad to announce that, after ten and a half years, Rattlehead Games will be closing our doors. This is somewhat sudden, but, this decision comes after some months of careful thought as well as looking at the reality of our current situation. As I have mentioned in other spots around the web – some unrelated to RHG – I have recently taken on a full-time "day job" to make ends meet. Rattlehead Games, like most of the hobby industry, has seen rough financial times in recent years. Now that I have a full-time day job, I've found that it's no longer simply difficult to keep RHG running – it's become impossible.

The final straw has come in the past few weeks when a combination of sickness, technical issues, and sheer lack of energy and time has conspired to leave several of our customers not only waiting for their orders, but without even any proper communication from us. From the beginning, we were always lauded for our fast response times and open communication with our customers. The experince of the past few weeks has been terrible in that regard.

With that in mind, I can no longer continue trying to operate this business while failing to keep our customers as our absolute number one priority. We've never done business that way, and we won't do so going forward.

What to Expect

Right now, our focus is on wrapping things up as quickly as possible while still doing right by those we've done business with. If you have recently placed an order with us, but without getting any response, we will probably be refunding your order immediately. If you have an existing open order with us and are waiting on back-ordered items, we'll be in touch as soon as possible to work out how best to handle that on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, this will be a matter of simply shipping your order out as expected when your item(s) arrive.

For now, we will probably keep our Facebook page as it is, although there will likely be few updates there. Should you need to contact us, that should be an option. As for the website, I am unsure what to expect. It will remain active for the time being (you're reading this on the website right now!) but may be changed or removed in the future.

The Good News

While we are sad at the closing of Rattlehead Games, and will miss the great interaction we've had with so many wonderful people over the years, there are other things to look forward to in the future. As for myself, when time permits, I will be continuing with work on my fiction, which I mentioned in a past update here on the site. Further, there is likely to be more from us in the realm of tabletop gaming at some point later on. So, it's likely that you'll hear the name Rattlehead Games sometime later. It is my hope that hearing that name will bring you happy memories and new adventures when that time comes!

Thank you to all of our customers and friends who have made the past decade such a blast!

Text edited by Personal logo Editor Dianna The Editor of TMP
Graphics edited by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian