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New 15/18mm Blue Moon ACW Release for Fall In

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john lacour writes:

thats what i ment, steve. and for the record, i have painted several hundred "old glory" iron brigade 15mm figures and with that in mind, and looking at having to paint up a new iron brigade for johnny reb 3, i can say that the old glory 15mm bag is "played out". the bases are terrible, the amount of flash in general is beyond acceptable(at least the last 2 bags i bought last year), and nevermind the fact that there are only about 6 sculpts(not counting command figures) in the set.
yeah. the iron brigade needs updating…

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MrsMiniatureships Sponsoring Member of TMP of Blue Moon Manufacturing writes:

Least you think we forgot you, we will have for the ACW enthusiasts out there another code for the 15/18mm Blue Moon ACW range of figures. Ready to go to lend support to your Union troops is:

15ACW-36 - Berdens Sharp Shooters w/ Command - 24 figures consisting of one officer, one sergeant, one standardbearer, one bugler, and 20 Sharp Shooters.


You can get this great new release on the website, as well as the Old Glory Corp manufacturers-direct website For our Old Glory Army members, your discount applies to all Blue Moon products. You can also follow us on Facebook.

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