I thought I'd better show you what I've been up to, as you might have thought I'd been slacking! I've made a start on the French for the AWI range, as well as the much-asked-for Lee's Legion. These won't be available until early next year, though.

I'm making the French in both the 1776 short-tailed coats, as well as in the 1779 regulations (i.e., long-tailed, fuller coats). I might even make some in the full 1776 regs with the 'four cornered hats' that may have made an appearance in America. I plan to cover all the French forces (including Lauzun's Legion, of course).

The French could also be used for India, West Indies, East Indies Minorca, Grenada, Ceylon, Gibraltar, and the attack on Jersey in the Channel Islands.

Lee's Legion are shown in their strange 'purple uniforms', as well as a white uniform used in the South (thanks for the additional info on these, Brendan!).

These are all metal 28mm figures.