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LotR Dol Amroth Knights Painting Competition Winner

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Crucible Orc writes:

the problem with GW's Knights of Dol Amroth is that they are one of the very few LOTR figures not sculpted by the Perry Bros. I'm sure if they had done them they would have been more akin to the rest of the line. Ironically, i quite like the Dol Amroth Men at arms. just slightly stylized versions of the Minas Tirith Men at Arms.

Also, Dol Amroth is the largest fiefdom of Gondor. All the Non-Minas Tirith troops mentioned at the battle of Pelenor Fields(except the Rohirrim) where from Gondor's

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Mithril Miniatures of Prince August Toy Factory writes:

Mithril Miniatures has been officially licensed to produce collectable metal miniatures based on J.R.R. Tolkien's famous books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings for over 20 years.

Mithril had organized a painting competition which centered around our latest 32mm scale miniature release, the Knights of Dol Amroth, allies of Gondor.

All the entries were of excellent quality, but there can only be one winner.

LotR Mithril Knights of Dol Amroth competition entry winner made by Wendy Rafalski

Wendy Rafalski won the first prize, which is the entire next release due out early this summer based on the battle for Helms Deep.

M-series Lotr Knights of Dol Amroth miniatures are sold pre-primed

Here is a link [PDF format] to a leaflet on the release.

For more information