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onmilitarymatters Sponsoring Member of TMP of On Military Matters writes:

A little post-4th fireworks of new miniatures and miniatures rules releases that will be making their way into our shoppe in the next two or three weeks…


Victrix 28mm: Warriors of Carthage
Victrix 28mm: Warriors of Carthage
A big box of 62 28mm figures (assembly required): 24 of Hannibal's hardened veterans (wearing a mixture of Punic and captured Roman armor), 24 Liby-Phoenician heavy infantry, and 14 Libyan javelinmen light infantry. $48.00 USD
Victrix 28mm: Carthage Citizen Infantry
21 Carthaginian Citizen Infantry and 3 Command 28mm hard plastic figures. $28.00 USD
Perry British Light Dragoons 1808-1815: 28mm Hard Plastic
14 mounted figures in the box (12 troopers, one officer, and one trumpeter). $32.00 USD
All Quiet on the Martian Front: Model T Ford Cars 1920's (2)
Two-seater version. $15.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 10%. New price: $13.50 USD
All Quiet on the Martian Front: Model T Ford Cars 1920's (2)
Four-seater version. $16.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 10%. New price: $14.40 USD
20 Metal Bases: 60x40mm for L'Art de la Guerre HI/MI Infantry 25-28mm
Each Movement Stand holds two 60x20mm bases. Suitable for Pikemen, Spearmen, or Swordsmen in LADG. 20 pcs. $5.00 USD
20 Metal Bases: 60x50mm for L'Art de la Guerre HI/MI Infantry 25-28mm with support
Each Movement Stand holds one 60x20mm and one 60x30mm base. Suitable for units with supporting rank of Bow or Mixed units in LADG. $8.00 USD
20 Metal Bases: 60x60mm for L'Art de la Guerre LMI 25-28mm
Each Movement Stand holds two 60x30mm bases. Suitable for foot Bow or Javelinmen units in LADG. 20 pcs. $8.00 USD

Miniatures Rules…

To The Strongest: Fast Moving Ancient and Medieval Wargame Rules
To The Strongest: Fast Moving Ancient and Medieval Wargame Rules
The rules are uncomplicated, and yet provide seasoned gamers with a challenging battle that can comfortably be concluded in an evening. They also have a high degree of suitability for solo play. Neither rulers nor dice are used in a game. Units move on a square grid. Initiative and combat are by deck of regular cards. The grid also enables figures based for different rule systems to be used together on the same battlefield. $36.00 USD
Daisho: Skirmish Wargaming in Mystical Japan
Skirmish wargaming in mythical Nippon. Includes core rules, points system, 12 'force' lists, Armor, weapons and equipment (mundane and magical), listings of skills, heroic ki powers and magical powers, 15 scenarios (supported by 17 scenario complications), 10 detailed landscapes, and campaign rules. $32.00 USD
General Quarters: Post Captain 1793-1815
Naval miniatures warfare in the period 1793-1815 that focuses on the single ship duels and small squadron actions. $32.00 USD
Warband: Fantasy Tabletop Wargame Rules
Uses a single consistent task resolution method for all actions, rolling dice for 4+ 'success' results. $30.00 USD
Wargamers' Annual Summer Special 2015
Articles include: La Haye Sainte, various How-To terrain making, Back of Beyond, Beyond the Back of Beyond, A French and Indian Wars Campaign, A 1745 Campaign with a Difference, Unusual Waterloo Uniforms, The Vignette Challenge, World War II Tactics, The Scythe Wars, and more. $24.00 USD


The Great War: Commands and Colors WWI Board Game
The Great War: Commands and Colors WWI Board Game
Latest adaptation uses 100+ WWI 15mm figures, board, and terrain tiles. $99.00 USD
S&T 294: World War I
Reworking of classic (S&T 51) WWI game to cover the entire war in Europe, with the map now extended into the Middle East, to include Palestine, Mesopotamia, and Persia. Hexes are approximately 60 kilometers (36 miles) across, slightly more on the Middle East map section. Most units are armies (100,000 to 200,000 men), with some specialized corps like the Italian Arditi. Turns are six months long, with multiple movement and attack phases in each. One 22x34-inch map and 228 counters. Magazine included. $35.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 10%. New price: $31.50 USD


Quatre-Bras (2): Vol. 14 Les Carnets De La Campagne – Waterloo 1815
Quatre-Bras (2): Vol. 14 Les Carnets De La Campagne – Waterloo 1815
Oversized at 8x12 inches. Illustrated book shows the forces and recounts in detail the battles of June 1815. [French Text] $78.00 USD
With All For All: The Life of Simon de Montfort
Biography follows his life from his birth and upbringing in France until his defeat and death at the hands of the future Edward I. $35.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $29.75 USD
The English Connection: Supplying the CSA
Ground-breaking study and reference detailing the arms, material, and support furnished to the Confederate States of America by Great Britain. This huge volume is stuffed with full-color detailed photos of all items. Included are a directory of British suppliers, details on markings, small arms, artillery, edged weapons, ammunition, accouterments, uniforms, and much more. Fully cited, with bibliography and index. $125.00 USD
Friends and Enemies: The Natal Campaign in the South African War 1899-1902
When the Boer Republics invaded Natal in 1899, the invaders could have been driven out with casualties measured in hundreds. Instead Britain was to lose nearly 9,000 men killed in action, more than 13,000 to disease and a further 75,000 wounded and sick were invalided back to Britain. The war ended in 1902 with a very unsatisfactory Peace Treaty. $28.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $23.80 USD
U.S. Dodge: The Military Machine
Two-book story of Dodge trucks used by the U.S. military from 1940 to 1975. 1018 pages. Each chapter is lavishly illustrated with period photographs covering all aspects of the Dodge military truck, from development, manufacture and deployment-some chapters containing as many as 180 photos. $125.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 10%. New price: $112.50 USD
Sherman in the Pacific War: 1943-1945
Oversized at 9x12 inches and includes 350 photos. Includes 30 specific profiles paired with contemporary photographs and maps of each of the battles. $55.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $46.75 USD
With Paulus at Stalingard
Controversial memoir by Colonel Wilhelm Adam, senior ADC to General Paulus, describing the German defeat, his time as a prisoner of war with Paulus, and his conversion to communism. $40.00 USD
TMP Special Offer: Save 15%. New price: $34.00 USD

Don't Forget the Magazines…

Medieval Warfare Agincourt 1415
Medieval Warfare Agincourt 1415: Special No. 2
Special issue covers 1415: The Battle of Agincourt. Articles include: Historical introduction; Henry V as military commander; Recruitment and organization of the English Army; The war bow; The Battle of Agincourt; Too many dukes: The French commanders; Recruitment and organization of the French army; French and English weapons and armour/equipment; The source: Agincourt on paper; Shakespeare and the myth of Agincourt; A 'gens d'armes' at Agincourt; and The aftermath. $22.00 USD
Ancient Warfare: Volume 9.3
Theme: The Hittites and their successors: Historical introduction; Reading a Hittite clay tablet: The Hittite Guard's Rule; The Bronze-Age Art of Fortification – Hittite Defensive Structures; A Horse Master from Mitanni; and Rise and Fall of Minor Kingdoms – Last of the Neo-Hittites. Other articles include: Octavian's disastrous first Sicilian expedition – Against Pompeius; and What did the ballista really look like – Euthytones & Palintones. $10.00 USD
Traditions #1
This new magazine combines the older magazines, Tradition and Soldat Napoleon, into one magazine. Contents include July 1830: La Conquete D'Alger, Bernadotte un Curieux Destin, Le Glaive Modele 1831, and 1870: L'hecatombe de Borney. French Text. $18.00 USD
Traditions #2
This new magazine combines the older magazines, Tradition and Soldat Napoleon, into one magazine. Contents include: June 1815: La Bataille des Quatre-Bras, Petite Histoire du Pantalon Garance, Le Sabre de Hussards de 1786, and Beaumont-en-Argonne 30 Aout 1870. French Text. $18.00 USD


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For more information

Text edited by Editor Hebber
Graphics edited by Editor Hebber
Scheduled by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian