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Coming Soon: AB Figures' Waterloo Range (15/18mm)

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Supercilius Maximus writes:


Thanks. See you both there!

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Aussiejed of Eureka Miniatures writes:

The Salute 2012 show in London will mark the launch of the new AB Figures Waterloo 1815 range. Tony Barton's superb range of 15/18mm Napoleonic miniatures is about to get even better – and if you are attending Salute this year, you can be the first to get your hands on them as Eureka Miniatures will be there.

Waterloo British

Tony has been steadily working away on British in Belgic shakos, British Dragoons in helmets, Household Cavalry, Scots Greys, Dutch-Belgians, Nassau and many more since the middle of last year. Here, for the first time, we can provide some details, and you can start ordering these figures right now – either for collection at Salute (with no postage charged), or for worldwide shipping from our Australian base on the same day as the event in London (21st April).

So far, we can confirm...

British Line Infantry (in Belgic shako)

WB01 Centre Company, marching, shoulder arms
WB02 Centre Company, order arms
WB03 Centre Company, standing, port arms
WB04 Centre Company firing/loading
WB05 Centre Company Kneeling
WB11 Flank Company, marching, shoulder arms
WB12 Flank Company, order arms
WB13 Flank Company, standing, port arms
WB14 Flank Company firing/loading
WB15 Flank Company kneeling
WB16 Flank Company skirmishing
WB21 Officer standing
WB22 Ensign standing, colours uncased
WB23 Mounted Officer
WB24 Drummer
WB25 Centre Company sergeant, with pike
WB26 Centre Company sergeant, marching with pike
WB27 Light Infantry officer

Scottish Highlanders (to augment the original range)

WB30 Centre Company, port arms
WB31 Centre Company, firing/loading
WB32 Centre Company, kneeling
WB33 Highland sergeant, pike
(Existing AB British officers, musicians & Flank coy skirmishers can be used)

British Foot Artillery, Covered Belgic Shako

WBA01 Crew, firing
WBA02 Crew, loading
WBA03 Crew, heaving gun
(For RHA, Light Infantry and Rifles use existing AB British figures: no change)

Belgian Cavalry

BNC01 Carabinier in helmet
BNC02 Carabinier in helmet officer
BNC03 Carabinier in helmet trumpeter

In the near future, we will have details available for RHA Rocket Troop, British Light and Heavy Dragoons (post-1812 uniform); Scots Greys and Household Cavalry – with more to come.

You can place a Salute pre-order for any of the above coded miniatures by going to the Eureka Miniatures website (look for the announcement and update under News & Events.

More pictures and additions to the range will be added to the order pages as we go. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter feeds, or the News & Events column at our website, for further updates. These will soon include the revised AB Figures 1792-98 Austrians and new Eureka Miniatures ranges due for release at Salute.

Australia is, of course, a long way from London. So to guarantee getting your post-free order out to the U.K. in time for you to collect it from the Eureka trade stand at Salute, you must get your order to us no later than the 10th April, please.

If ordering for collection at Salute, please clearly label your order as "for collection at Salute" using additional comments section of the order form, and select the "store pick-up" option to remove the postage element.

Customers not attending Salute can place their orders at any time up to the launch date of the 21st April, and your orders will be shipped the day before the release day (or a few days later, depending on how close to the release day you submitted your request).

For further information or clarifications, you can contact us at

For more information