Take Another Look at Lancashire Games Winter Sale! Get Your Fix of Xmas Figures to Paint!

Hurry and bag yourself a bargain. 15% off everything from standard packs, battle packs, and army packs – 10mm, 15mm, 18mm, 20mm and 25mm, plus 10% off our painting service.
Visit our website for details, or email any inquiries, and follow us on Facebook and see the new masters first.
Working on Next
10mm Assyrians and 15mm Venexia Louis the 14th.
Coming Soon!
15mm Seven Years War – Russian and additions
10mm Napoleonics Dutch-Belgian and Hanoverian
10mm Tuareg
10mm War of the Roses
Much much more!
Lancashire Games, Little Wars, Hinchliffe, Venexia, Blaze Away & SGMM