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The Fate of Grenadier?

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6,176 hits since 17 Feb 2000

©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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As we reported in August of '96:

The news from Grenadier employees at GenCon was the demise of their company. Grenadier was one of the oldest of the miniatures companies, with a wide and varied line of fantasy figures in 15mm and 25mm. The company is now in limbo. Nothing is being produced, no new products are being created, the factory is closed, and the employees are gone.

We were told by ex-Grenadier employees to expect to see the figure lines back on the market soon from another company. There is also a possibility of the company being bought out by another company. When we learn more, we'll report it here.

On making inquiries into this story, I received the following anonymous tip:

The way I understand it, Stradaleibre out of Italy was looking to buy Grenadier in a serious way, but after figuring the retooling cost, plus starting a fresh new advertising campaign, etc., was looking for a way out.

Last I heard, besides folding, was that part of Grenadier was filing bankruptcy. Supposedly Grenadier US was seriously into debt, and Grenadier UK didn't want anything to do with the Stradaleibre sale, so it didn't cooperate in any way and forced Grenadier US to wither and die.

Update: Our Italian readers now confirm that Stratelibri - the owner of italian copyrights for Magic: The Gathering - has bought out Grenadier.