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Nazi Overlord

91 minutes
action, adventure, horror

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Nazi Overlord

Rating: gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star no star no star no star no star (3.00)

This movie is basically a knock-off, released at the same time as the higher budget 2018 WWII horror film, Overlord.

According to the DVD cover and credits, the movie stars Tom Sizemore as Colonel Forrester. Well, he appears in about five minutes of movie time.

As the film begins, we see American troops battling German troops on the beach at Normandy. It's not clear why the Germans want to fight in the surf, but they lose.

The action jumps back to some base. We learn these soldiers belong to some infantry unit that gets secret missions, led by Captain Rogers (played by Andrew Liberty). He's ready to go home, but the colonel sends him on one last mission: to rescue a British scientist named Dr. Eris, who was working for the Allies in Belgium but has been kidnapped by the Nazis and taken to Romania. The previous rescue team never came back. Rogers has ten men, including two who were AWOL for Normandy.

Captain Rogers and his team get a truck and drive to Romania (there's an Indiana Jones-style animated line on a map – wrong map for 1944, though!). When they get in the area, they are ambushed by Germans and their truck is burned out.

Can the Americans rescue Dr. Eris (played by Dominique Swain, best known for Lolita) before the Nazis unleash their fearful scheme?

The bad news is that this movie is pretty horrible, many historical errors (Sizemore wears sergeants stripes!), and the tactics are ridiculous (apparently when under fire, American soldiers would crowd together and aim their rifles in all directions). The first part of the movie, as the Americans wander around looking for the German base, is just boring.

Fortunately, the last part of the movie provides some entertainment. There are fanatic Nazis, female nudity, a flamethrower, bodies that explode, bloody nudity, a viper, victims of human experimentation, insect swarms, and a few plot twists. The AWOL soldiers get a chance at redemption.

And the Oscar goes to… well, nobody is getting an Oscar out of this, but Dominique Swain steals the show with a wonderfully Pulpish performance.

Not one to show the kiddies, due to bloody exploding people, suicide and mercy killing, needles and injections, insects crawling out of noses, and female nudity.

Can you game it? There's the fight on the beaches, the ambush in Romania, a fight in a mine, the attack on the castle, and the final fight, so plenty of ideas for scenarios, but to campaign it you'd need RPG rules.

I can't exactly recommend this movie, but some parts were fun in a B-movie way.