Can two vulnerable people survive the zombie apocalypse?
Ben is recovering from an operation on his eyes when he wakes up in an abandoned ambulance on a country road. His eyes are bandaged, and he cannot see. No one responds to the ambulance radio.
Mara is a cop on her last day of work before taking time off to bear a child. Her police vehicle has been stolen, and she is left walking down a country road. Any effort leaves her gasping. No one responds on the police radio.
What is going on? Will these two people meet? If so, are they better off together – or separate?
As you might expect, the action consists of exploring the countryside, battling occasional zombies, and hoping to find safety.
The zombies are of the 'sick' variety, faces dripping with snot and blood. They are mostly slow and lurching, driven to attack the living, completely unintelligent. The movie never explains what has caused the zombie apocalypse, or how someone becomes a zombie.
The movie's title seems to be a reference to Ben's operation, which is never explained. (His sight gradually recovers.) There are also hints that he has a sinister background.
For a low-budget independent film, the special effects are surprisingly adequate. The zombies are repellent, and shotguns make heads explode.
The actors do a competent job, but I found the characters uninteresting.
The script has a number of problems. Mara leaves for work, and in less than an hour, she's in the middle of a full-blown zombie apocalypse? Why do they keep abandoning their weapons? They find what seems to be a perfect refuge, then decide it's a trap and fight their way out? Ben takes a shotgun blast at short range, and is barely scratched? Since the movie never explains the 'rules' for zombies, the protagonists actions seem cryptic at times.
If you like zombie movies, you might enjoy this one. I thought the script was poorly written, the characters vulnerable though boring, but there was a good sense of tension throughout, and zombies are always fun.