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This entry created 28 September 2020. Last revised on 28 September 2020.

2,159 hits since 27 Sep 2020
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star no star no star no star (4.00)

Australian-born Cleopatra Coleman both wrote and stars in this cable movie.

In the near-future, farmers are forced to rely on expensive Vastgrow technology in order to raise a crop. Small agricultural drones maintain the fields, while larger military-style drones provide security.

Claudia (Cleopatra Coleman) and John (Craig muMs Grant) travel through farm country working for a different branch of Vastgrow: they provide euthanasia services. They will come to the house, aid the person to die, and then help stage a private service.

Then one day, the corporation informs Claudia that her partner has been euthanized. And her new partner is poorly trained and seems to be spying on her…

Can Claudia solve the mystery of John's death? Is Vastgrow spying on her? As some activists claim, is Vastgrow evil?

The movie starts out slow and atmospheric, with an excellent supporting cast and lots of wonderful old farmhouses. The drones are everywhere, working, watching? There's a slimy corporate figure (Claudia'e ex-boyfriend), and an icy blonde as the corporation head. Claudia randomly bumps into a drone repairman, who is willing to help. Then, as you might expect, the ending is full of actions, drones diving in to the attack, heads exploding!

The first problem is that euthanasia scenes are rather distasteful, especially a botched euthanasia! The second problem is that the 'mystery' isn't much of a mystery. And how do the drones get inside buildings? Shouldn't these drones have range limits?

Can you game it? Not really, but it might inspire you to consider a post-Holocaust campaign against drones!

The movie was fun at the end, but slow at the start, and I found the euthanasia angle unpleasant. The plot needed more development.