I found this one in a dollar store on a double-movie DVD, and it seems to be quite obscure!
Master Lee (the actor is also credited as 'Master Lee', AKA Dae-kun Lee) was once a man of peace, but after the triads murdered his wife and family, he has become a fighter. Lee is a dapper man who eats too much. He has destroyed the triads in Shanghai, making him famous. His priest, who has warned him that he will go to hell if he keeps fighting the triads, sends him to Tientsin to deliver a document.
As it turns out, a triad has just sent a new crew to take over Tientsin. Even worse, this triad is led by the brother of someone Master Lee killed in Shanghai – the crimeboss wants Lee's head on his brother's altar for the anniversary of his death!
Along the way, Lee saves some university students from the triad, meets a bar-girl (Linda Han) who falls for him, and ends up protecting a young boy orphaned by the triad. There's also a sneaky, cowardly man who wants revenge on Lee for something he did in Shanghai, and someone pretending to be Lee so he can extort local businesses.
The fight scenes are nicely choreographed, if not terribly original. Lee typically fights a handful of henchmen first, before their boss steps into the fight. The villains dress in black or white suits with ties, one boss starts out in a distinctive red jacket, while Lee wears a variety of nice clothes (and hats!). The final fight scene has Lee fighting barehanded against a swordsman, as a traditional house is destroyed all around them.
The ending is… confusing. Is it real or symbolic? Did someone die?
The version I watched had fuzzy video, and all the dubbed voices are British. No option for original language and subtitles. The description on the DVD box has no relation to the actual movie. Only kung-fu type violence, no bad language, no sex (some poledancing), lots of stabbing but not much blood. DVD says it is rated R, but I have no idea why.
Can you game it? Yes, but you'll need a set of rules that allow a strong hero to take on six or seven villains at a time.
I got a lot of enjoyment out of Master Lee, who is not the typical kung-fu fighter.