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About MeFull time interest in Wargames since 1962, miniatures since 1970. Author of "Cordite And Steel," and "Gangbusters" for TSR in the 70's. Owned/Operated wargames/militaria shop, The Armchair General, 1981-83. Former U.S. Retail Sales Rep for Foundry, then owner/proprietor of The (Virtual) Armchair General. Now exclusive provider of wargames and accessories produced by myself and/or in collaboration with others. Trying to make a go of it since 2003, and slowly gaining acceptance--among the criminally insane and wargamers in general. TVAG Games PlayedPrimarily a Colonial Gamer for the last 35 years, but have collected for most mainstream periods. First Colonial rules of choice are "The Sword And The Flame" and related titles. Also have co-produced many other games supporting Colonials, as well as flags, buildings, Action and Event Decks, and other accessories not previously provided to the hobby. Growing interests in Pulp Fiction gaming via "Mean Sets," "Mean Streets," and other accessories. |