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Member Application

Membership allows you to customize the appearance of this website to match your preferences, and provides access to member-only features.

To return to the main page, click on the website logo above. If your changes are not immediately visible when you get back to our homepage, try using the refresh or reload function of your browser to make sure you are viewing the most recent version of the homepage.


Reader Name (none)

Real Name (none)

Password (none)
Email Address (none)
Bandwidth Tolerance 3
Location (country) unknown
Adult Content Filter ON
Preferred Currency U.S. Dollar (USD)



Reader Name Reader Name is the name, nickname, or handle which you use to identify your membership. Having a Reader Name and a Password guarantees you a long-term membership.
Real Name Real Name is a second name that is displayed on your Profile page. This is useful if you like using a fictional membername, but don't mind people knowing who you really are.
Password Your Password allows you to sign in to your account again, should you ever log out (either deliberately, or because your browser loses your identifying cookie).
Email Address Supplying us with your Email Address allows us to remind you of your password (in case you forget).
Bandwidth Tolerance Bandwidth Tolerance controls how much graphics you see on one of our webpages. Default value is "3."
Adult Content Filter

The Adult Content Filter controls whether certain images are displayed. When the filter is ON (the default value), potentially objectionable photos are not shown.

Preferred Currency Preferred Currency is used when converting prices to a common standard for comparison purposes. The default value is United States Dollar (USD).
TMP Plus BoardsThe Plus Boards are TMP's non-wargaming forum. Enabled means that you see these topics on your homepage.
Interests Interests act as a filter, instructing the website to emphasize those areas which you are most interested in, but without limiting your access to the entire site.

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2,261,222 hits since 11 Jan 2000
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout