I have a large of unpainted 28mm metal ECW figures by both Foundry and Perry I would love to sell.
3 units of 24 Pikemen advancing with command
6 units of 24 Musketeers advancing with command
3 units of 12 Cavalry troopers with command
2 units of 12 Dragoons with command
2 units of 12 dismounted Dragoons with command
1 battery of 2 Falcon 3pdr guns with crew
1 battery of 2 Saker medium gun with crew
2 units of 24 Pikemen advancing with command
2 units of 24 musketeers advancing with command
2 units of 24 musketeers firing with command
1 unit of 12 Cuirassiers with. Command
2 units of 12 Cavalry with command
3 units of 24 Scottish Pikemen advancing w/cmd
3 units of 24 Scottish Musketeers advancing w/cmd
1 unit of 24 Lowland Levy
1 unit of 24 Highlanders w/cmd
1 unit of 12 Scottish Med. Cavalry
1 unit of 12 Scottish Lancers
1 unit of 12 Scottish Dragoons
1 unit of 12 dismtd. Scottish Dragoons
1 battery of 2 Frame guns with crew
2 units of 24 Scottish Pikemen advancing w/cmd
2 units of 24 Scottish Musketeers advancing w/cmd
1 unit of 12 Scottish Cavalry w/cmd
1 unit of 12 Scottish Lancers w/cmd
1 unit of 12 Scottish Dragoons w/cmd
1 battery of 2 Falcon 9pdr and crew
$30 USD per unit of 24 infantry
$15 USD per unit of 12 dismtd dragoons
$32 USD per unit of 12 cavalry
PM or email me at Rdfraf(AT)aol.com