Here is what is left from the batch. They are 25mm Napoleonic Minifigs, all unpainted. I will be moving them to auction after you all have a last go. Each figure has reduced price to 0.25 USD plus postage. PMs work but I see email more often:
Batch 2 Wurtemburg Line. 14 figures. No. 74 advancing, some partial paint
Batch 5. Highlanders. 14 figures. advancing pose with two color bearers, ten BN84, twoBN7
Batch 8. Lithuanian Tartars. 17 figures. Eleven command, troopers, six horses
Batch 9. British RHA. 6 figures. 2 riders and two-wheel cart (cart counts as four figures)
Batch 10. French foot dragoons. 14 figures. Two eagle bearers, two drummers, three officers, 7 advancing.
Batch 11. French foot dragoons. 13 figures. Two eagle bearers, two drummers, two officers, 7 advancing.
Batch 12. British Hussars. 12 figures. Six riders w/ Tarleton helmets, six horses.
Batch 13. British RHA. 6 figures. 2 riders and two-wheel cart (cart counts as four figures)
Sapper party working. 6 figures. In original wall hanger plastic enclosure
Batch 14. French 4-pdrs. Unassembled, in original wall hanger plastic enclosure. Count as 4 figures.
Batch 19. British rifles. 19 figures. Five riflemen firing, fourteen advancing.
Batch 24. British cavalry riders (no horses). Sixteen heavy dragoons, six light dragoons, two Scots Grey trumpeters, one KGL hussar, one unknown.
Batch 25. French cavalry riders (no horses). Seven hussars including command figures, one FNCx2 Rustan, two generals.
Batch 29. French grenadiers (two with bearskins, others not). 18 figures. Advancing poses.
Batch 31. Old Guard. 11 figures. Includes six drummers, one officer, four grenadiers
Batch 33. British line in Belgic shako.10 figures (BN54)