The Hessian gunners are pending. The painted artillery are from the Minifig Napoleonic listings. The 12lb guns are painted according to the central German style. They feature the double trail system that I believe was as used in 1776.
Here is the listing for remaining AWI unpainted figures. Enjoy! Batches listed as sold came through TMP. Thank you TMPers.
Old Glory 25mm
Batch 8 Queens Rangers 29 figures including command group and variety of infantry poses SOLD
Batch 10 Draft horses 6 horses
Batch 11 Draft Horses 6 horses
Custom Cast 25mm
Batch 1: Militia command 17 figures officers, standard bearers, drummers, sergeant SOLD
Batch 4 Continental Dragoons 8 figures (some partially painted) mounted troopers SOLD
Batch 7 British 17th Dragoons 8 figures(3 broken swords, some partially painted) 8 troopers
Falcon Miniatures Artillery crews (AMR27) 10 figures (they are same size as Custom Cast)
Minifig 25mm
Batch 2: Lauzon's Legions 16 figures including 8 horses, hussar officer, standard bearer, troopers SOLD
Batch 3: 42nd Highlander 7 figures including officers, standard bearers, pipers, and a drummer
Batch 4 Hessian Artillery 12 gunners in various poses SOLD
Batch 5 British Grenadiers 16 figures (all with some paint)
Batch 6 42nd Highlander 7 figures command (same as Batch 3)
Parkfield 25mm Nice figures with good detail and animation
Batch 1. Militia gunners 18 figures. Artillerists with different poses.
Batch 2. Royal artillery. 9 figures. Artillerists with different poses
Batch 3. Draft horses. 12 figures harnessed for pulling
Unknown Manufacturer 25mm
Batch 1. French infantry with command. 30 figures SOLD
Batch 2. British line infantry. 18 figures SOLD
Batch 3. British gunners. 29 figures. Artillerists with different poses
Batch 4. British gunners. 29 figures. Artillerists with different poses
Batch 5. American command group. 10 figures. 1 standard bearer with flag, one drummer, one officer, two sergeants, three fifers, two casualty figures. Most of the are probably Parkfield.