I'm still seeking off stuff as I'm getting old and realize I'm never painting my mountain of lead, I have some unpainted metal 28mm British infantry from Perry's Cape Wars line. Useful for gaming the lesser known wars involving the British
These figures are useful for the Xhosa wars, the Anglo-Boer War, Orange River, First Afghan War, first China War, first Māori War and first Carlist war as well as fighting Ndebele , amaZulu and Basotho tribes in Africa
1 unit of 24 72nd Highland infantry skirmishing in trews w/cmd
2 units of 24 Infantry in shell jackets skirmishing w/cmd
2 units of 24 infantry in campaign dress with various headgear skirmishing w/cmd
3 units of 24 Xhosa with shields and spears
2 units of 24 Xhosa with firearms
$30 USD per unit of 24 figures plus postage
PM or email at Rdfraf(AT)aol.com