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"FS: 25mm unpainted numerous manufacturers" Topic

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1:600 Xebec

An unusual addition for your Age of Sail fleets.

259 hits since 10 Dec 2024
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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James R Arnold Supporting Member of TMP10 Dec 2024 2:58 p.m. PST

The list below are unpainted figures (unless noted) stored in a smoke free, climate-controlled environment. All figures are identified to the best of my ability (with a powerful assist from the TMP community!) They are organized in logical batches. I neither want to break up the batches nor send photos. They do not have broken parts as I wrap them for shipping. The experts on TMP tell me that USD 0.50 is the going price per figure or horse. A mounted casting that has the rider molded to the horse (e.g. Custom Cast) counts as one figure. When the rider and horse are separate (e.g. Old Glory) each figure counts separately.

You can PM me if you want, but I look at my email more often:

Postage is based on where you live and the weight of the figures.

Here is the list. Enjoy!
Old Glory 25mm

Batch 1 Cont. Light Infantry 22 figures including command group and infantry in different poses
Batch 2 Foreign Personalites 6 riders and 6 horses
Batch3 Rebel Personalities 5 generals and 5 horses (Gates, Washington, Knox, Greene, Schuyler)
Batch 4 Continental Mounted Colonels 6 riders and 6 horses (new in bag Age of Reason AWI-39)
Batch 5 British Mounted Colonels 6 riders and 6 horses (new in bag Age of Reason AWI-40)
Batch 6 British personalities 6 generals and 6 horses (all generals are named)
Batch 7 Queens Rangers 29 figures including command group and variety of infantry poses
Batch 8 Queens Rangers 29 figures including command group and variety of infantry poses
Batch 9 71st Highland 17 figures
Batch 10 Draft horses 6 horses
Batch 11 Draft Horses 6 horses
Batch 12 American Militia 24 figures including command group and 21 infantry (many poses)
Batch 13 British line 16 figures including command group, grenadier company, and infantry

Custom Cast

Batch 1: Militia command 17 figures officers, standard bearers, drummers, sergeant
Batch 2: Continental command 9 figures standard bearers, drummers, officer
Batch 3 Hessian Jagers 7 figures jager infantry SOLD
Batch 4 Continental Dragoons 8 figures (some partially painted) mounted troopers
Batch 5 Continenal Dragoons 6 figures (same figures as Batch 4, some partially painted)
Batch 6 Militia mounted infantry 6 figures (some partially painted) mounted riders SOLD
Batch 7 British 17th Dragoons 8 figures(3 broken swords, some partially painted) 8 troopers
Batch 8 Continental gunners 12 figures various poses to serve as artillery crews

Falcon Miniatures Artillery crews (AMR27) 10 figures (they are same size as Custom Cast)


Batch 1: Queens Rangers 9 figures including officer, highlanders, grenadiers, riflemen
Batch 2: Lauzon's Legions 16 figures including 8 horses, hussar officer, standard bearer, troopers
Batch 3: 42nd Highlander 7 figures including officers, standard bearers, pipers, and a drummer
Batch 4 Hessian Artillery 12 gunners in various poses
Batch 5 British Grenadiers 16 figures (all with some paint)
Batch 6 42nd Highland 7 figures command (same as Batch 3)
Add AWIx (Ferguson) with horse to any batch (adding two figures to cost)

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