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"ACW painted 25/28mm." Topic

3 Posts

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If you were a kid in the 1960s who loved history and toy soldiers, you probably had a WOW figure!

295 hits since 6 Nov 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Mike Bovill Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2024 5:07 p.m. PST

ACW painted figures. Prices in Canadian Dollars. (approximately $ x .75 gives US $). Based for F&F 15mm rules, 4 figure on a 50mm wide base = 2 stands or 2 figure on 25mm wide base = 1 stand. So with most bases 50mm wide it is easy to convert to other rules. Most paint jobs standard wargame quality. The Gajo units (2) are very good. Shipping is additional from B.C., Canada. If you want several lots we can negotiate. Thanks. Pictures available.
mikebovill at yahoo dot ca

4 mounted Dixon $50 USD
3 mounted Perry? $40 USD
3 mounted Old Glory $40 USD
3 mounted smaller unknown $30 USD
2 guns 6 crew Dixon $40 USD
2 guns 6 crew Dixon $40 USD
2 guns 6 crew Unknown $35 USD
16 mounted in Kepi Essex $65 USD
20 dismounted + 2 horses with horse holders Dixon $60 USD
16 dismounted + 1 horse and holder Dixon $45 USD
20 firing Dixon $40 USD
20 advancing Dixon $40 USD
30 various Dixon $60 USD
24 unknown firing $30 USD
54 loose figure + 2 horses and holders (30 Dixon) $35 USD

3 mounted Old Glory (1 broken off sword blade) $35 USD
4 mounted Old Glory $40 USD
3 mounted unknown $30 USD
2 guns 6 crew Old Glory $40 USD
2 guns 6 crew Old Glory $40 USD
2 guns 6 crew Old Glory $40 USD
2 guns 6 crew (maybe foundry) $30 USD
26 mounted in hat (older true 25's) $50 USD
20 dismounted + 2 horses and holders Dixon $60 USD
24 dismounted + 2 horses and holders Dixon $70 USD
12 dismounted + 1 horse and holder Foundry $40 USD
12 zouaves Old Glory $36 USD
24 kepi (GAJO ENT) Old Glory $75 USD
18 Iron Brig (GAJO ENT) Old Glory $60 USD
18 zouaves Redoubt $60 USD
18 Irish Redoubt $55 USD
24 Iron Brigade Dixon $60 USD
24 kepi and hats Dixon $60 USD
24 kepi and hats Dixon $60 USD
17 loose (12 Dixon) $12 USD
Infantry Poorer paint (very basic)
56 Hinchliffe firing $40 USD
40 Hinchliffe advance $30 USD
36 unknown firing $35 USD
32 Perry Plastic standing $50 USD
32 Perry plastic firing $50 USD
36 Perry plastic zouaves $60 USD

All sales final. Take care. Mike B

Mike Bovill Supporting Member of TMP06 Nov 2024 6:21 p.m. PST

The Prices are CANADIAN DOLLARS. Not USD. $1 USD CD = .75 USD

Mike Bovill Supporting Member of TMP15 Nov 2024 7:33 p.m. PST

Not available right now as Canada Post is on Strike.

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