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"WARMODELLING MINIATURES is the result of merging CAPITAN MINIATURES and WARMODELLING. We have a tradition of ten years in the miniatures business. Stronger together, we are now the most important historical miniatures manufacturer in the Spanish market, and expanding in Europe, UK and the USA.

"Our factory is in Ponferrada, Leon (North of Spain), and is a 200-square-meter facility.

"Our miniature ranges include:"

  • 15mm Ancients
    • Ancient British
    • Carthaginian
    • Gallic
    • Alexander Macedonian
    • Mid Republican Roman
    • Caesar Republican Roman
    • Early Imperial Roman
    • FOG starter armies
    • Impetus armies
  • 15mm Napoleonics
    • Austria 1800-15
    • Bavaria 1805-15
    • France 1802-15
    • French Allies 1808-15
    • Peninsular British 1806-14
    • Waterloo British
    • Portugal 1808-14
    • Prussia 1813-15
    • Russia 1812-15
    • Spain 1808-14
    • Sweden 1810-15
    • The Grand Duchy of Warsaw
    • US Army 1812 War
    • British & Canadian 1812 War
    • Accessories
  • 15mm Napoleonic naval crews
    • Spanish Navy
    • Royal Navy
    • US Navy
    • French Navy
    • Danish Navy
    • Sailors
    • Gunners
    • Guns
    • Barbary Corsairs
  • 15mm Gunboats Kits
    • Gunboat Kit & Crew
    • Gunboat Gun pack
    • Gunboat Crew Pack
  • 15mm Spanish Civil War
    • Legionarios
    • Milicianos
    • Requetes
    • Republican Infantry
    • Guardias de Asalto
    • Artillery
    • Vehicles
    • and more to come…
  • 15mm Carlist Wars
    • Isabelinos 1833-1840
    • Carlist 1833-1840
  • 15mm Spanish American War
    • Mambi Troops
    • Spanish Troops
    • U.S. Troops
    • Flags
  • 20mm WWII
    • Australian Army
    • British Army
    • D. A. K.
    • Finnish Army
    • French Army
    • German Army
    • Japanese Army
    • Polish Army
    • Red Army
    • U.S. Army
    • Guns & Crew
  • 28mm Napoleonic
    • Spanish Napoleonic
    • Spanish Marines
    • Napoleonic Brunswick Rifles
    • Napoleonic Staff officers
    • French Gendarmes
  • 28mm Napoleonic naval crews
  • Naval Scale Napoleonic Ships at 1:1200

Special packs for:

  • Napoleon's Battles Brigade Packs 15mm
  • Capitan Army Packs 15mm
  • Gun Boat Ships & crew packs 15mm
  • WWII boxed sets


Wargaming Divison of Warmodelling Miniatures

  • Capitan Games Rules
    • Capitan (Small Napoleonic Battles)
    • Gunboat (Tactical Naval Comabt with ships in 15mm)
    • Master & Commander (Naval Napoleonic Combats)
    • Napoleon's Battles (new edition)
    • Spain in Flames (Spanish Civil War Wargame and Organization Reference book)

"CAPITAN GAMES ONLINE is a new concept in managing wargames. It is part of CAPITAN GAMES - the wargames division of WARMODELLING MINIATURES.

"All our games provide the players with a large number of army lists and configuration possibilities, for units, armies, ship's crews, and much more. Many rulebooks give a printed list of army units, but we have designed a website where the gamer can build his own units, armies, ships, crews and much more online."

This entry last updated on 21 December 2015

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