Tradition Scandinavia AB

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Anders Lindström of Tradition Scandinavia passed away the 3rd of September 2014.

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AddressMagnus Lindström
Andebodavägen 293
175 43 Järfälla, SWEDEN
Phone+46 8 31 68 92

"Tradition Scandinavia AB is a limited company that was founded in 1980. All the figures are round bosse, except for a series of flat figures - Georg Iwanov 30mm (The Russian Imperial Army).

"We have a nice range of wargaming figures, larger Swedish figures, and some ladies.

"These figures depict in accurate detail the armies of the past, great leaders and common soldiers alike, all have been designed after much research into the uniforms and weapons. All the figures are made from white metal and are available as unpainted kit (castings), and fully hand painted (54, 90 & 110mm)."

According to D.A. Wilson, these figures are "...the original Willie figures, the father of modern miniatures. Even if these figs are now a little dated, they still have a charm which has never been equalled - not for those who like things ready out of a box."

Available online via Tradition of London.

This entry last updated on 13 November 2014

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