Scale Creep Miniatures

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Address828 Davis St., Suite 307
Evanston, Illinois
Phone(847) 859-6669

Scale Creep Miniatures is a retailer, distributor, manufacturer and publisher of miniature wargaming supplies. We are truly a one-stop shop offering an extensive selection of historical miniatures, rule books and modeling tools. We currently stock the following product ranges, and can place special orders for dozens more:

  • Brigade Models: Not to be confused with Brigade Games, this UK based company produce Space Ships, SciFi infantry and vehicles in both 6mm and 15mm, as well as Aernef models, and much more.
  • Black Hat Miniatures: Black Hat offers an extensive collection of 15mm Historical miniatures from Biblical armies through the 19th century. Black Hat also produces the Martian Empires 15mm VSF game, as well as a 25mm fantasy range Shattered Isles.
  • BattleModels (Formerly Warmodelling, formerly Fantassin): BattleModels have extensive 15mm ranges covering the Napoleonic Wars, the Carlist Wars and the Spanish-American War. They also have an extensive 20mm range of WWII figures. Most recently they have added 15mm figures for Ancients, including Romans, Gauls and Carthaginians. Their latest releases include 10mm ships, guns and crew for Napoleonic naval actions.
  • Quick Reaction Force: QRF offers an unbelievable range of vehicles and figures covering nearly every conflict of the 20th century. Whether it's scratch built armored cars for the Spanish Civil War or recon HMMVs for Desert Storm, QRF has you covered.
  • Magister Militum: We are carrying their 10mm ranges for the Crimea, and the ACW. We are also stocking their new 3mm historical ranges, as well as some of their 15mm ranges, such as Hallmark scenics.
  • 1st Corps & Kingmaker: We stock many of their most popular ranges and continue to add new ranges from their catalog. Anything not in stock can be special ordered of course.
  • Baccus 6mm: Baccus 6mm offer an extensive selection of 6mm figures for every period up through the end of the 19th century. We also stock their popular Polemos rule series.
  • Flagship Games: In December 2009 we acquired the right to produce all of their rule books including Pirates!, Taiko!, Rampant Colonialism, Habet Hoc Habet, and Gunfight! We also acquired the rights to their metal space ships and Pirate ship ranges.
  • Figurehead Miniatures: We regularly stock their 1:6000 range of ships for World War I and World War II. We can also special order for you their Napoleonic, Renaissance and other naval ranges.
  • LitkoAero Products: We stock many popular sizes of the Litko plywood bases, as well as dozens of their useful gaming tokens and accessories.
  • Freikorps & Feudal Castings: We are beginning to stock some of these ranges on a limited basis. We are able to special order any of the packs in any of the other ranges for you. Please contact us for catalogs, pricing and details.
  • Rulebooks: We stock hundreds of rule books for every era, focusing on historical rules. Some of the rules/publishers we stock are: Grande Armee, Ambush Alley, General de Brigade, Lasalle, Beneath the Lily Banners, Polemos, Field of Glory, DBA, Old Dominion Gameworks, Two Hour Wargames, Iron Ivan Games, Partizan Press, Test of Battle, Hoplite Research and many, many more.
  • Paints, inks, basing materials and brushes from Coat d'Arms and Vallejo
  • Dice, measuring tapes, flock, primer, glue, basing gels, tools.....
This entry last updated on 5 February 2020

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