Products | White metal figures, both painted and unpainted.
- 54mm scale (unpainted figurines by Al Charles)
- Fantasy (Amazons, Monsters)
- Ancients (Romans, Gauls, Thermopylae Graeco-Persian Wars line)
- Medieval (Crecy 1346, Stamford Bridge/Hastings, Horns of Hattin/Holyland Crusades, Looters)
- American Civil War (Duette line)
- 19th Century (The Hill - Custer's Last Stand)
- WWII (refugees)
- 80mm scale (Knights, erotic Angels)
- 90mm scale (Napoleonic, Indian Wars)
- 100mm scale U.K. Classics (19th Century - Zulu Wars, British Empire, War of 1812)
- 110mm scale (British drum major)
- 120mm scale
- U.K. Classics line by A. Ball (Ancients, Renaissance, 18th Century, Napoleonics, ACW, WWII)
The company also manufactures the Sanderson 54mm scale line of unpainted figures:
- Ancients (Roman Slave Market)
- Medieval (Normans)
- Renaissance (English Civil War)
- Napoleonics (press gang)
- 19th Century (Pioneers)
- Miscellaneous (Novelty Girls, furniture)
The company also makes a Toy Soldiers line of 54mm scale painted figures:
- Medieval (Chivalry Range - Robin Hood, Knights of the Round Table, Joust, men at arms; The Siege - Cusaders, Saracens)
- 19th Century (The Hill - Custer's Last Stand)