R&K Productions

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Company closed in 2010.

AddressGarden Grove, CA

"R&K Productions - Distribution is a leading supplier of the highest quality paint, kits and accessories specifically geared toward the figure modeler. As their exclusive distributor in the U.S. and Canada, we take pride in offering the three most highly regarded paint products in the industry - Vallejo Model Colors, Vallejo Game Colors and Vallejo Model Air - as well as several of the world's most popular figure kit lines, including Pegaso, Soldiers, Metal Models, Masterclass, and Durendal.

"R&K Productions - Publishing is the publisher of the number one English language historical figure magazine in the world. Historical Miniature Magazine is published six times per year and is distributed to over 40 countries worldwide."

In the United States, formerly distributed Durendal, JMD Miniatures, Pegaso Models and Romeo Models.

This entry last updated on 7 August 2010

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