R. H. Models

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AddressR. Hedges
30 Regent Road
Berrylands, Surbiton, Surrey
Phone(0208) 399 5213
ProductsManufacturers of:
Bandera Miniatures
20mm Spanish Civil War figures, vehicles, and scenery. Includes Bandera Flags, formerly a separate product line. Some of the figures were formerly from Hotspur, and are now licensed from HPC for the European market (plus additional models original to the Bandera line).
Little Green Men Miniatures
20mm science fiction figures, originally produced by Blade.
Black Star Models/Adapt Models
Models and conversion parts for 1/76 scale WWII. Known to the general public as Adapt Models. Known to members of the SOTCW (who receive a discount on purchases) as Black Star Models.
Liberation Miniatures
20mm modern figures and models. The vehicles are polyurethane resin with white metal parts, while the figures are white metal.

The Heroes Miniatures line has been purchased and is being integrated. Some models formerly produced by Archer Models are available.

CatalogWrite or email for free catalogue.
PaymentCredit cards, Sterling cheques or International Money Orders. Make cheques payable to "R.H. Models."
This entry last updated on 7 March 2016

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