Quality Castings, Inc.

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Purchased 2002 by 19th Century Miniatures.


15mm WWII and modern miniatures. Painting service.

Some of the Quality Castings vehicles started in World War II as recognition models for the U.S. Army, made under the Comet brand name. These were individually boxed, and were assembled and finished in military green or German panzer grey. The line was expanded in the Korean and early Cold War eras, and they continued to be available in the 1960's and 70's under the Superior Models name - usually as white metal kits with increased detail. They were accurate regarding top detail, length, and width, but some were not tall enough (such as the M-7 SPH). The scale was advertised as 1/108.

There were about 100 kits in the original product line, but Quality Castings expanded the series to several hundred kits. The company's recent models are competitive in quality to what other companies are currently producing, and they tell us that "...almost all of the old Comet vehicles have been totally redone to current and much higher standards."

This entry last updated on 17 February 2003

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