Prodos Games Ltd.

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AddressUnit 15, Neilston Street
Leamington Spa, Warwickshire

"Prodos Games is a young and fast-growing enterprise in the miniature wargaming world with an inventive team of enthusiastic hobbyists from the UK, USA and Poland eager to apply their varied skills to create the finest miniatures, most exciting games and thrilling stories available. In their first year alone, they have released two successful projects, each with a huge range of ‘Procast’ miniatures, on Kickstarter in the form of Mutant Chronicles: Warzone Resurrection and Aliens vs Predator: The Hunt Begins. ‘Procast’ miniatures are sculpted by talented 3d designers, prototyped with cutting edge technology and then created by a team of model making craftsmen using a variety of innovative methods and techniques to capture detail and eliminate air bubbles. The Prodos Games writing team are nothing but the most enthusiastic employees, with a lust for writing and an unmatched passion for the IPs they have been trusted with. Quickly shaping up to be a recognisable force in the world of tabletop wargaming, Prodos Games LTD aims to have a thriving future with ground-breaking, unexpected and exciting projects along the way."

This entry last updated on 12 March 2019

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