OzMade Miniatures

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AddressPO Box 3166
Erina, NSW

"Ozmade is a totally Australian company dedicated to ensuring that Australian history in reflected acurately in the 54mm and 100mm form. Each figure is produced only after exhaustive research has been completed. This assures the purchaser, that they are buying a 100% accurate figure of a world class standard.

"The figures are sculptured by renown artist Mike Broadbent, in his studio overlooking Phillip Island on the the east coast of Victoria. After completion of the sculpting, a mould is made.

"The master and mould is then cast by Glenn Andrew who works out of a workshop in Gosford, New South Wales, the individual figure is then cast in white metal using a centrifugal casting machine, the individual figure is checked for flaws and is then either packaged ready for shipping/purchase or hand painted. Each figure is individually handpainted, so no two figures are identical. The painted figures are available either attached to a piece of Australian native timber or as a figure only.

"Ozmade is a small family concern that prides itself on customer service and quality workmanship. You can be assured that your purchase will be a value for money figurine, that will take pride of place in your collection. It is the hope of Ozmade to develop limited issue figurines that will become a true collectors item."

This entry last updated on 20 September 2011

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