New Hope Design

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Address4145 Ridge Road
Jackson, Michigan
Phone1 (517) 513-8268

1:32 scale (56-58mm high) metal figures, based on illustrations from many of the Osprey series of books.

  • Ancient World/Dark Ages
    • Egypt
    • Assyria
    • Greece
    • Carthage
    • Misc. Middle East (Libyan, Hittite, Nubian, Sumerian, Philistine, Yemeni)
    • Scythians
    • Persians
    • Romans
    • Byzantium
    • Barbarians (Celts, Germans, Dacians, Iberians, Huns, Vikings)
    • Anglo-Saxons and Normans
    • Lombard
    • Muslim Conquest
    • Chinese
  • Medieval and Elizabethan
    • Normans
    • Crusades
    • Saracens
    • Christian Orders
    • Ottoman Turks
    • Scots
    • Welsh
    • Irish
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Swiss
    • Burgundy
    • Aragon
    • Hungary
    • Mamluks
    • Poland
    • Timurid
    • Mongols
    • Chinese
    • Japanese (Samurai)
    • Aztec, Mixtec, Zapotec
  • Jacobeans to French Revolution
    • Poland
    • English (ECW, Marlborough)
    • Scots (Jacobite)
    • Sweden
    • France (royal, revolutionary)
    • Austria
    • Prussia
    • American Woodland Indians
  • The Age of Napoleon
    • French (guard, line, light, dragoons, chasseurs, hussars, marines)
    • Neapolitan/Italian
    • Russia (infantry, cavalry)
    • Prussia (light, line, cavalry, reserve and militia)
    • Austria (infantry, cavalry)
    • Minor German (Kleve-Berg, Westphalia, Nassau, Oldenberg, Saxony, Bavaria, Hesse-Darmstadt, Hesse-Kassel, Hanover, Burnswick)
    • English (infantry, grenadiers, highlanders, light and heavy cavalry, naval)
    • Dutch-Belgian
    • Portugal
    • American (War of 1812)
    • South American (Bolivar, San Martin)
  • After Waterloo to 20th Century
    • England (Crimea, India and Indian Mutiny, South Africa, North-West Frontier; royal navy)
    • France (Franco-Prussian War)
    • India (Sepoy, Sikh, Afghan, Bengal)
    • East Asia and Australasia (Maori, outlaws)
    • China (Boxer Rebellion)
    • South Africa (Zulu, Boer War)
    • Texas (War of Independence)
    • Mexico (Texan War of Independence, Mexican-American War)
    • United States (Mexican-American War, Civil War, Indian Wars)
    • American Indians (Plains Indians, Apaches)
  • The Later Years [1902-1945]
    • England (WWI: Old Contemptibles, Scots, Canadians, Australians; WWI: Desert Army, SAS, Canadians, Australians)
    • France (WWI, WWII resistance fighters)
    • Poland (WWII)
    • Germany (WWI, WWII: panzertruppen, Waffen SS, airborne, luftwaffe field troops, allies)
    • Ottoman Empire (WWI)
    • Soviet Union (WWII)
    • United States (WWI, WWII: infantry, airborne)
  • Modern Times
    • England (Malayan Campaign, SAS, airborne, royal marines, royal navy, Falklands)
    • France (Foreign Legion)
    • Spain (Foreign Legion)
    • Israel
    • Arab Armies (Egypt, Syria, PLO, Jordan)
    • Argentina (Falklands)
    • United States (Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, marines, special forces)
    • Vietnam
    • Soviet bloc (elites, Afghanistan)
  • Aircam Range [air and ground crew]
    • WWII (RAF, USAAF, Spanish Civil War, Luftwaffe, Japanese)
    • Modern (US/NATO)
This entry last updated on 28 April 2018

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