Mudpuppy Games

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Website gone, email gone - probably no longer in operation

Address4445 Lake Forest Drive, Suite 600
Cincinnati, Ohio
Phone(513) 260-8363
Fax(513) 577-7519

"Mudpuppy Games is a game design studio that specializes in easy-to-learn, fast-paced games. Our games are not d20 compatible, do not come with clickable figure bases, and require no computer programs to calculate your character's every feat and skill. Instead, our game design philosophy is simple: make fun, enjoyable games playable by anyone and everyone ages 8 to 80.

"Mudpuppy Games was founded in 2006 by President and CEO Jim Wampler, and is based in Cincinnati, Ohio. We are proud to count among our partners game design legends James M. Ward (TSR, Fast Forward Entertainment), David Helber (Heritage USA), and Tom Wham (TSR, Steve Jackson Games).

"Mudpuppy Games is the exclusive authorized online distributor for Classic Miniatures' GALACTA 25 line."

This entry last updated on 5 January 2010

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