London War Room, The

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Acquired by Badger Games.


"We produce resin boats, barrels, boxes, tents, barricades, buildings and many other resin products.


"We have a sculptor in England for our two lines of figures. They are small lines but are continuing to grow. We use a high quality metal and cast them on our premises."

  • 25mm scale
    • 18th Century (Spanish, 1733-1763) - "These are great figures that can be used in a multiple of settings. They are useful for the Seven Years War, War of the Austrian Succession, War of the Polish Succession, War of Jenkins Ear, and all the Spanish Colonies. Some of the figures (the leatherjackets), fought the Native Americans in the Wild West, some can be used to fight Pirates. Also suitable for fighting in South America, North Africa and the Philippines. It is a very versitile line. It will be expanded to include a wider span of time."
    • Modern (Vietnam War) - Acquired 2009 by RLBPS.
    • Off the Beaten Path Miniatures: "This range of miniatures includes hard-to-find ranges and items that will always be expanding. It includes our own newly sculpted Fuzzy Wuzzy figures; Darkest Africa Animals; Knights of the Pacific Northwest: The Russian-American Conflict in Alaska (Tlingits and Russians)"
    • TLWR Resin Castings - "Vince designs these using the concepts of some of his original works in wood. All buildings have lift-off roofs and many have stairs, balconies etc. Boats come in different sizes and types. Barrels, bales and other odds and ends can be found. Some items are in 15-20mm, but most are in 25mm. The resin is very lightweight and very tough (not easily broken). You will not find bits of mold in any of these castings!!"

The company also has the following figure lines in production:

  • Houston's 25mm scale Lyzard's Grin Colonial Series (1800-1900) (figures by Chris Ferree) - "We do not own these molds but we cast and distribute them. They have been around for a while and are a wonderful unique line of figures. They paint up beautifully!! It is an extensive line that I think anyone would enjoy painting and playing with them. I particularly like the camels! A newer, lighter metal is being used to try to improve the look. The price change from the old range reflects this change in production cost."
    • Abyssinian
    • Ashanti
    • Camels
    • Chinese
    • Maori (early and late)
    • Sikh
  • Houston's Maximilian and the Mexican Adventure (1861-1867) (true 25mm) - "This is the only complete line of these figures that are out at this time that we are aware of. They are great little 25mm gems and paint up beautifully."
  • Houston's WWI Artillery - "These are 15mm items and there are only eight of them. But boy, are they worth buying!!"
  • Houston's Weapons for Gunboats that Float and Fly - "These are some of the most beautiful naval guns available on the market today. They were crafted by Richard Houston and were a part of his Colonial Series. This listing also includes deck hatches, bulkhead hatches, ship's ladders, large and small boat davits, ventilators, fire fighting party, British seaman and other unique items." The alien guns are distinguished by red print. These guns also go with Parroom Station Miniatures and our own ships that float and fly.
  • Parroom Station - "We manufacture and distribute these under license for Bob Charrette, owner and sculptor. These are wonderful Fantasy/Sci-fi figures in 28mm. If you like Martians and such, look at these beauties!!!

Sole distributor for the Aerodrome WWI Air Combat Game.

Distributor for LMW Works and Polymeric.

"We are stockist for Wargames Accessories and Desperado Western Figures (25mm). We carry (but do not stock) Essex and Dixon Miniatures (orders are taken and then shipped by the distributor). We stock some Redoubt (but not all of it) and orders are taken and sometimes shipped by the distributor."

Painting service available (20mm scale and above).

This entry last updated on 30 January 2018

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