LMW Works

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Address85 St. Michaels Way N.E.
Hanceville, Alabama
Phone(716) 946-1060

"We have many rule sets and from Bible times to World War Two. The Classical Hack series, Holy Hack (Biblical Warfare), Homeric Hack (Trojan War), Hack in the Dark (Dark Ages), Knight Hack (Medieval) and Pike Hack (ECW), Classical Hack Scenarios Rome, Classical Hack Scenarios Macedonia. Other titles include Rally Round the Flag (ACW), Panzer Truppe (WWII), Eagles Swords and Bayonets (Napoleonics), Sniper Duck Dodge and Shoot (WWII), Tanks and Yanks World War One 1917 to 1918 and Alesia A Gamer's Note Book.

"The GASLIGHT series: To Be Continued By GASLIGHT, Battles By Gas GASLIGHT, Victoria Hawkes (ACW GASLIGHT), Adventures and Expeditions by GASLIGHT, Big Battles for Little Hands. Look Sarge No Charts WWII, and Look Sarge No Chart ACW.

"All titles can be purchased directly at RPGNOW. We now have a Facebook Group at Classical Hack on Facebook."


"Distributors only – no direct sales for hardcopies. Online PDF sales through RPGNow.

InternationalOld Glory Corp On Military Matters
Chilterdon RPGNow
Brookhurst Hobbies
Brigade Games
Warpath Games and Hobbies Spirit Games
This entry last updated on 12 September 2018

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